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SAC Meeting February 2010

Monday 22 February 2010

1.Overview of last four months
IASB Activities
- Report of the Chair and Vice-Chairs
-Update on major projects that are the most challenging in terms of meeting the June 2011 deadline:
-Financial Instruments
Financial Statement Presentation
-Revenue Recognition
-Consolidation / Derecognition
-Other activities

NSS update
- Overview of the role that the NSS plays, including majorprojects underway or proposed

EFRAG update
-Overview of the role that the EFRAG plays, including majorprojects underway or proposed

SEC update
-Update on recent developments at the SEC and the roadmapfor IFRS adoption in the US

SAC Member activities
-SAC members are asked to report on significant developmentswithin their organisations relating to IFRSs

2 XBRL and its interaction with disclosure requirements

Introduction to principles of the IASB XBRL taxonomy and the role of extensions- Does XBRL mean that presentation does not matter anymore?

3a The IASB work plan post June 2011

3b Break-out Sessions (The IASB work plan post June 2011)
Discussions in small groups (includes coffee served in break-out rooms)

17:30 End of day one

Tuesday 23 February 2010

The IASB work plan post June 2011
- Report back from the break-out sessions
4 Effects analysis
What is effects analysis?

12:30 End of meeting

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