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The future of European asset management

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Wednesday, 19 October 2016 09:30-13:00, ASP 1G3, European Parliament

Draft programme:

Introductory statements by Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP) and Sven Giegold (Greens/EFA)

Session 1: European asset management after the crisis: regulatory stocktaking and outlook

This panel debate aims at addressing and discussing a stocktaking of existing regulation, potential and limits of further market integration as well as recent market developments in the field of asset management.

Invited speakers include representatives of the European Commission, asset management, a consumer organisation and academia.


Session 2: The role of investment funds in boosting long-term and sustainable investment

This panel debate aims at shedding light on the current state of the European green finance market, potential and limits for its further development as well as the need to ensure appropriate consumer protection.

Invited speakers include representatives of the European Supervisory Authorities, a major investment fund provider and sustainable investment initiatives

The event will be webstreamed.

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