Cooperatives Values and economic and monetary integration: the case of banking regulation
Tuesday 22 November 2016 Visit source websiteOrganization of discussion
Four short panels will introduce each topic in order to initiate discussion. Each panel will be facilitated by members of Labex ReFi and the Chair from Sorbonne Graduate Business School on the management and governance of financial cooperatives. The four topics are :
- The compatibility of the banking regulations with the regulations and the cooperative commitment
- The consequences of the banking regulation on the organization of the financial cooperatives
- The consequences on the capitalization and the strengthening of the stockholders’ equity of the financial cooperatives
- The consequences on the practices of governance of the financial cooperatives
Each panel will have 45 minutes – 3 panelists by panel – Pitch 10 minutes by panelist – 15 minutes discussion and debate with participant of the workshop.
Introductive speech:
What are the values hold by financial cooperatives and consequences for the business model? Democratic governance, local involvement, decentralized decision process…
CEO or chairman Of Cooperative bank (to be confirmed)
Prof Eric Lamarque – Scientific Director Regulation and Financial risk supervision Labex Refi – Sorbonne Graduate Business School
Panel 1 : The compatibility of the banking regulations with the regulations and the cooperative commitment
The object of the first panel is to discuss main orientations of the European banking integration through the regulation on the bank stability and the control of the risks. What are the motivations of this regulation? Does it take into account specificities and existing specific regulation for cooperatives? In what domains are these conflicts of regulation the most problematic for cooperatives?
Panelist Proposed:
Delphine Reymondon – département régulation – European Banking Aauthority
Napoleon XANTHOULIS, Professeur de droit, Kings College de Londres, Avocat
Florence Rainex – CEO – Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne
Moderator : Eric Lamarque – Sorbonne Graduate Business School and Labex Refi
Panel 2: The consequences of the banking regulation on the organization of the financial cooperatives
One of the first consequences of the regulation is to bring the financial cooperatives to centralize a number of decisions regarding control and regarding risk management banking. This centralization imposes an evolution regarding internal functioning at the level of control processes, at the level of respect for the conformity and for the quality of the data of risks. In what it affects the organization decentralized of cooperatives? How it affects their decisions?
Panelist Proposed :
Manuel Villegas– Grupo Cooperative Cajamar – BCC – Spain
Prof.dr. Hans Groeneveld – Tilburg University, TIAS School and Rabobank (To be confirmed)
Hervé Guider, CEO, European Association of Cooperative Banks
Moderator : Damien Mourey – Sorbonne Business School – Directeur Scientifique Adjoint de la chaire MGCF
Panel 3: The consequences on the capitalization and the strengthening of the stockholders’ equity of the financial cooperatives
In a context where the regulations ask for a strengthening of stockholders’ equity and liquidity of cooperatives and that the mechanism of the bail in is being set up, how have to react cooperatives? In what the relations with the members can be affected and which is their real capacity to raise stockholders’ equity? Which are the devices of solidarities set up within the cooperative groups?
Panelist Proposed :
Pr Anastasia Sirotopoulou – Université de Saint étienne – Labex Refi
Floriand Marsaud, Risk Group Department, BPCE, France
David Blache, Adjoint au directeur de la résolution, ACPR
Moderator : Stéphane Albert – Sorbonne Business School – Labex Refi et Chaire MGCF
Panel 4 : The consequences on the practices of governance of financial cooperatives
Regarding the changes discussed in the three previous panels, the structures of governance are requested more and more to participate in the decisions regarding management of risk, supervision of internal control and the follow-up of the activity. It is thus necessary that the expertise of members of the board is strengthened and sufficient to challenge the management and really to contribute to the decisions. In a context of democratic governance based on “one man one vote” principle can we select boards of directors having capabilities to insure these missions? The requirements regarding “Fit and proper” regulation they do can develop the modes of constitution of the board ?
Panelist proposed :
Michel Roux – France CEO – Fédération des Banques Populaires
Eric Lamarque – Labex Refi and Scientific Director Chaire MGCF
Sergio Gatti – Italie – CEO Federcasse
Closing Remark : Chairman or CEO From a Cooperative bank