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2nd Annual International Conference Standards and Guidelines in Anti-Corruption Compliance, OECD - Conference Center September 11th, 2017

Monday 11 September 2017 Visit source website

ETHIC Intelligence is very pleased to organize its second international conference (simultaneous English/French translation) on "Standards and Guidelines in Anti-Corruption Compliance" on Monday, September 11th, 2017 at the OECD Conference Center


On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, we will focus our discussion on "Beyond guidelines : 20 years of dialogue".




Join us in the conversation that will be held over six sessions:

> From Dialogue to guidelines: 20 years of Anti-Corruption Convention

Chair: Drago KOS, OECD Working Group on Bribery

> National anti-corruption guidelines: establishing dialogue between

> public and private sectors

Chair: Stephane BONIFASSI, Bonifassi avocats (Paris)

> OECD - G20/B20 - ICC - extending versus itensifying the dialogue

Chair: Nicola BONUCCI, Head, Legal Affairs, OECD

> ISO 37001: facilitating the dialogue between economic and public actors.

Chair: Kristy GRANT-HART, CEO, Spark Compliance (London)

> The Tainted Assets Initiative: encouraging dialogue to agree on

> guidelines

Chair: Karina LITVACK, Non-Executive Director, ENI, founder of the initiative (Milan, London)

> From the law of silence to open dialogue

Guest speaker: Richard BISTRONG, CEO, Front-line Anti-Bribery LLC (New York) Interviewed by: Robertson PARK, Lawyer, Murphy&McGonigle (Washington), former DoJ Prosecutor