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Deloitte : Notes from Tokyo fair value roundtable

Tuesday 01 December 2009 IAS PLUS
On 27 November 2009, the IASB held a roundtable at the ASBJ offices in Tokyo, Japan, to discuss its Fair Value Measurements exposure draft (ED). Roundtable participants consisted of a cross-section of representatives including auditors, financial statement preparers, valuation experts, and industry. Deloitte has posted Notes Taken by Observers at the Tokyo Roundtable (PDF 29k). Those notes represent the roundtable observers` interpretations of the discussions, focussing on those issues that were not discussed at the Norwalk Roundtable held on 2 November 2009. As with the Norwalk roundtable, the following issues were identified by the IASB staff for discussion during the roundtable: - Issue A Fair value as an exit price - Issue B Fair value of liabilities - Issue C Fair value of non-financial assets and liabilities - Issue D Fair value in inactive markets - Issue E Fair value in emerging and transition economies - Issue F Jurisdiction-specific issues - Issue G US GAAP convergence