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CESR publishes consolidated information on depositary obligation for all 29 CESR Members

Monday 18 January 2010 CESR
Since late 2008, CESR has been working on a number of issues related to UCITS depositaries. At the outset, the focus was on assessing the impact of the Madoff fraud on the fund industry; this work was then widened to include consideration of the duties and responsibilities of UCITS depositaries. In this context, a mapping exercise was carried out among CESR Members to establish how the various rules on depositary obligations have been implemented in Member States. A high-level summary of that mapping exercise was included as an annex to CESR's response to the Commission's consultation on the UCITS depositary function (Ref. CESR/09-781 published on 28 September 2009). However, since the mapping work began early last year, there have been a number of requests from external stakeholders to have access to the detailed, country-level information that had been collected. The full mapping exercise being published on the today includes consolidated information for all 29 CESR Members. Read the synthesis on CESR's website