FAQ: CESR Members provide commonly agreed answers to questions on EU CRA Regulation
Monday 08 March 2010 CESREU legal framework:
On 12 th November 2008, the European Commission published a Draft Regulation on credit rating agencies.
. The amended version of this Regulation has been approved on 23rdApril by the European Parliament and on 27th July by the Council.
. The final version has been published on 16th September 2009.It entered into force on 7th December 2009 (see article on EIFR's website)and applies by 7th June 2010.
Read more : "The EU Regulation on Credit Rating Agencies: Common Positions agreed by CESR Members" (.pdf)
On 12 th November 2008, the European Commission published a Draft Regulation on credit rating agencies.
. The amended version of this Regulation has been approved on 23rdApril by the European Parliament and on 27th July by the Council.
. The final version has been published on 16th September 2009.It entered into force on 7th December 2009 (see article on EIFR's website)and applies by 7th June 2010.
Read more : "The EU Regulation on Credit Rating Agencies: Common Positions agreed by CESR Members" (.pdf)