IMF: FMI The Puzzle of Persistently Negative Interest Rate-Growth Differentials: Financial Repression or Income Catch-Up? Working Paper
Monday 14 November 2011 FMIThe interest rate-growth differential (IRGD) shows a marked
correlation with GDP per capita. It has been on average around 1
percentage point for large advanced economies during 1999-2008; but
below -7 percentage points among non-advanced economies - exerting
a powerful stabilizing influence on government debt ratios. We show
that large negative IRGDs are largely due to real interest rates
well below market equilibrium - possibly stemming from financial
repression and captive and distorted markets, whereas the income
catch-up process plays a relatively modest role. We find
econometric support for this conjecture. Therefore, the IRGD in
non-advanced economies is likely to rise with financial integration
and market development, well before their GDP per capita converges
to advanced-economy levels.