OCDE : Overcoming the Banking Crisis in Ireland - 22/11/2011
Wednesday 30 November 2011 OCDEIreland is recovering from an extremely large banking crisis born
of over-exuberant property lending. The government has taken a wide
range of measures to tackle the crisis over the past 3 years.
Larger bad property loans have been transferred to a government
controlled "bad bank", NAMA, and the associated heavy losses fully
recognised by the banks. NAMA needs to focus on maximising tax
payer returns from disposing of this asset portfolio. The banking
system was recapitalised in mid 2011 following stringent bank
"stress tests", which proved to be a crucial turning point in the
crisis by helping to draw a line under losses. Restructuring of the
domestic banking system around two core pillar banks is underway
but the domestic banking system is still too large. Selling down
the banks’ large portfolio of foreign assets will help to downsize
the banks. It will assist in reducing reliance on Eurosystem
liquidity while minimising the squeeze on domestic credit. As
confidence in the financial system is regained, the authorities
should further restrict the government guarantee of bank
liabilities. Revamped bank regulation and supervision should
utilise a wider set of indicators and rules beyond standard capital
ratios and pay greater attention to macro-financial linkages.