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The end of the waterfall : default resources of central
Tuesday 28 April 2015 CONTENTS
0. Summary
1. CCPs: bulwarks against systemic risk or new Too Big To Fail
2. Provisioning for default losses: the CCP loss waterfall
3. Margin requirements
- 3.1 Backtesting of margin requirements
- 3.2. Procyclicality of margin requirements
- 3.2. Exposures to worst-case scenarios and portfolio
- 3.3 Accounting for liquidation costs
4. Mutualizing default losses: the CCP Default Fund
- 3.1. Size of the Default Fund
- 3.3 Allocation of Default Fund contributions across Clearing
5. CCP capital and “skin-in-the-game”
- 5.1. Capital requirements for CCPs
- 5.2 Skin-in-the-game
6. Assessing a CCP’s default resources
- 6.1 Stress testing of CCP default resources
- 6.2 Beyond single-CCP stress-tests: accounting for
- 6.3 How risky are CCP Default Funds?
- 6.4 How reliable are unfunded default resources?
7. The end of the waterfall : recovery mechanisms for CCPs
- 7.1 Variation Margin Haircuts (VMGH)
- 7.2 Liquidity provision during recovery
- 7.3 Contract tear-ups
- 7.4. Should ‘initial margin’ be used to fund a CCP’s
8. When all else fails: failure resolution of CCPs