SRB publishes 2017 work programme
Tuesday 06 December 2016 Clifford ChanceThe Single Resolution Board (SRB) has published its work programme for 2017. The work programme sets out the SRB's priorities in order to be ready to adopt resolution schemes for any bank that should be put into resolution and to consolidate the organisation.
The SRB's priorities are arranged under four operational areas:
- strengthening the SRB's operational readiness with a focus on operationalising resolution strategies, bail-in execution, identifying obstacles to resolvability and further work on minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL);
- the single resolution fund (SRF), in particular the development of the contribution mechanism, development and implementation of the investment policy and continuation of work with respect to funding options;
- policy and cooperation with the SRB's main partners, including national resolution authorities (NRAs), the EU institutions and non-EU countries' authorities as well as international organisations; and
- resource levels.
The SRB also intends to continue to contribute to all policy and legislative initiatives that may impact on its activities, including the revision of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) and Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation (SRMR), the transposition of the total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) standard into EU legislation, the discussion in relation to the European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) and the resolution framework for financial market infrastructures (FMIs).