Public hearing with Andrea Enria, Chair of the ECB Supervisory Board
Thursday 12 December 2019 Parlement Européen Visit source websiteThis note is prepared in view of a regular public hearing with
the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank
(ECB), Andrea Enria, which will take place on 12 December 2019.
The briefing addresses (i) Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)
priorities for 2020, (ii) Banks’ profitability issues; (iii) Stress
testing developments; (iv) some individual bank cases; (v)
supervisory issues and policies (anti-money laundering, Brexit, and
impact of Basel III and IFRS9), and (vi) the completion of the
Banking Union.
1. SSM Priorities 2020
In October, the ECB published the SSM supervisory priorities for
2020, which are in particular (i) continuing balance sheet repair
and (ii) strengthening future resilience. Following-up on Brexit
work and preparing for all possible outcomes for a no-deal Brexit
is likewise listed as another high-level priority.
Balance sheet repair will focus on the stock and flow of
non-performing loans (NPLs), the adequacy of internal models used
to calculate regulatory capital requirements, as well as trading
and market risks, in particular as regards complex instruments that
are marked at fair value.
In order to ensure the future resilience of banks, the ECB will
look into credit underwriting criteria and plans to do on-site
inspections to assess exposures in areas such as commercial real
estate, residential real estate and leveraged finance. Moreover,
the ECB plans to continue assessing banks’ business models and
profitability, as well as IT and cyber risks.
The ECB’s supervisory priorities are loosely coupled with the
identification of key drivers of banking sector risks, namely (i)
economic, political and debt sustainability challenges in the euro
area, (ii) business model sustainability, and (iii) cybercrime and
IT deficiencies. The reasoning underlying the identification of
those risks are set out in more detail in a separate document, the
ECB’s Risk assessment for 2020.
2. Banks’ profitability issues
Very recently, on 5 December, the rating agency Fitch has come out
with a revised sector outlook for western European Banks, changing
it to negative as it believes that the deteriorating outlook for
GDP growth, combined with low interest rates, will pressure revenue
generation and make it challenging for banks to reach profitability
targets. The European Banking Authority (EBA) recently pointed to
similar concerns in its annual Risk Assessment Report, noting in
the press release that “the streamlining of operating expenses is
presumably the main area to improve profitability”.
Meagre average profitability of significant banks has also
increasingly drawn attention by bank supervisors. Kerstin af
Jochnick, Member of the ECB Supervisory Board, for example
highlighted in a speech held in Frankfurt on 15 November that in
order to inform public policy, at least four questions would need
to be tackled: “First, to what extent will a more protracted period
of low banking profitability than previously envisaged affect
financial stability? Second, to what extent is low banking
profitability a by-product of competitive market structures? Third,
is there a potential trade-off between profitability and
competition in terms of their impact on financial stability?
Fourth, what could various stakeholders in the banking system do to
address these challenges?”
From her point of view, there are no straightforward answers
available, neither for the effects of the very low interest rate
environment nor for the role of competition and the relationship
between bank profitability and financial stability. That assessment
of course questions to what extent policy recommendations to
various stakeholders are well founded.
Empirical data on the status quo: Supervisory Banking
Since 2016, the ECB publishes Supervisory Banking Statistics on
directly supervised significant banks, inter alia covering
aggregate information on the banks’ profitability. The most recent
available data refers to the second quarter 2019.
Table 1 compares the Return on Equity (RoE) as
profitability-related indicator for the significant banks under
direct ECB supervision, aggregated at country level, for the
situation in mid-2019 and mid-2018, based on those statistics. In
essence, though the low interest rate environment is a common
feature in all Member States, the profitability of significant
banks is very heterogeneous, and one can see quite significant
changes over a period of one year, both for the better and the
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