The Wirecard Debacle Calls for a Rethink of EU, not just German, Financial Reporting Supervision
Tuesday 07 July 2020 AEFRWirecard AG, the Munich-based
payments and financial services company that was a member of the
DAX index of Germany’s 30 leading blue chip stocks, collapsed
spectacularly and filed for insolvency on June 25, 2020. Among
many lessons, this disaster has revealed major gaps in audit
regulation and accounting enforcement in Germany and by extension
in the European Union (EU). Like in other areas of financial
supervision, having only national-level oversight of financial
reporting in an integrated EU market generates perverse incentives
that impair supervisory effectiveness. The policy response to this
challenge should be to pool the relevant supervisory mandates at
the EU level.
This blog focuses on the financial transparency aspects related to
Wirecard as a publicly listed company, leaving aside other
important policy issues such as whether Wirecard should have been
more tightly supervised as a payment services provider. The quality of
listed companies’ financial reporting is critical to protecting
investors and to the integrity and efficiency of securities
Twin Failures of Audit Regulation and Accounting
In what is publicly known of the Wirecard story, none of the lines
of defense that exist to prevent accounting misstatements appears
to have functioned properly. Not the internal controls, the
effectiveness of which “is monitored by the Supervisory Board of
Wirecard AG,” according to the company’s 2018 annual report, the last it
published. Not the auditors, who in the same report state that
Wirecard’s financial statements “give a true and fair view of the
assets, liabilities, and financial position of the Group as at
31 December 2018.” (It appears that financial reporting
malpractice at Wirecard started several years ago and that the
auditors omitted to perform basic controls.) And not the national
accounting enforcement authorities, who are empowered to remedy any
failures of publicly listed companies like Wirecard to publish
financial statements that are compliant with the relevant
standards, namely the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as adopted by the EU. The latter two lines of defense are
matters of public policy.
Auditors act under a public mandate, enshrined in national
legislation, which is only spottily harmonized at the EU level.
They are also subject to public supervision. Following the
high-profile bankruptcies of Enron and WorldCom, the US
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of July 2002 established the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) as the US audit regulator, with
a mandate to inspect auditors and penalize those that conduct
improper audits. EU countries have established their
own audit regulators, in part to cooperate with the
PCAOB to support US stock market listing of companies based in
their respective territories. (China is the global outlier in terms
of cooperation with the PCAOB, but this may be changing.) Germany’s audit regulator is
the Auditor Oversight
Body (Abschlussprüferaufsichtstelle), a tiny
entity that is incongruously lodged in the Federal Office for
Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft
und Ausfuhrkontrolle), an agency under the Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Energy.
As for accounting enforcement, in most EU member states it is in
the hands of the national securities regulator, mirroring the
United States, where the task belongs to the Office of the Chief
Accountant within the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the
federal securities regulator. Germany has an idiosyncratic
“two-stage” accounting enforcement framework, with two entities in charge: the
Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (known as DPR
for Deutsche Prüfstelle für Rechnungslegung, or
colloquially as the Bilanzpolizei—the balance sheet
police) as a “first stage”; and BaFin (Bundesanstalt für
Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), a public agency whose many
tasks include securities regulation, as a “second stage,” which
steps in when the DPR’s first stage is viewed as having failed to
resolve a problem. The DPR is a private-sector entity that brings
together national employers’ associations, trade unions, and
industry associations of banks, insurers, and accountants, among
other members. It operates with a small budget, €5.5
million in 2019.
Economic Nationalism and National Supervisory
On the basis of publicly available information, it appears that
this system failure to prevent Wirecard’s accounting malpractice
was at least partly the result of a consensus among these various
players to defend the company as Germany’s foremost financial
technology success—“this delicate homegrown plant that needed to be
protected,” as left-wing parliamentarian Fabio De
Masi described it recently in
the Financial Times. BaFin’s past behavior seems to
support this narrative. In April 2019, BaFin went as far as filing
a complaint against the Financial
Times journalists who had begun investigating Wirecard’s
alleged irregularities, even after the agency had asked the DPR to start an investigation of
its own. In other words, economic nationalism—the impulse to
protect and promote national corporate champions whose success is
somehow deemed to be aligned with the national interest—twisted the
incentives of authorities and led them to neglect their primary
mandate, in this case the protection of investors and of the
integrity of the German securities market. As De Masi further put
it, “[a]nyone asking awkward questions [about Wirecard] was seen as
trying to run down Germany and its finance sector.” One suspects
that such perverse incentives were exacerbated by the fact that
most of Wirecard’s competitors were outside Germany, particularly
in the context of the EU internal market, which has eliminated many
cross-border barriers to entry. In a closed national financial
system, national authorities have reasons and means to resist a
supervisory race to the bottom, but that is much less the case in
the EU single market.
This pattern is not unprecedented. The combination of EU
integration and national public oversight has distorted national
authorities’ incentives to the point of making them neglect their
core mandate in cases including the prudential
supervision of banks and anti-money
laundering (AML) supervision. In both cases, economic
nationalism and related dynamics led to system failures,
respectively, in the early and late 2010s. In both cases, the
policy response has involved changing the incentives through
supervisory centralization: respectively, European banking
supervision (also known as the Single Supervisory Mechanism)
entrusted to the European Central Bank (ECB), initiated in 2012;
and an ongoing process of pooling AML supervisory
entity in a single EU agency. Whereas European-level authorities
can suffer from being less cognizant of national specificities,
they are structurally less subject to capture.
Suggestions and Prospects for EU Reform
In light of the Wirecard debacle, financial reporting supervision
calls for similar thinking on the policy response. The public
mandates of both audit oversight and accounting enforcement should
be pooled at the EU level, replacing the existing
loose coordination structures. This could be done either directly
within the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), an
autonomous EU agency that was created in 2011 and has legal
capacity to make enforcement decisions of its own, or through a new
specialized EU entity, possibly placed under ESMA’s oversight, like
the SEC oversees the US PCAOB. It would also help in bringing the
reality of EU financial supervision closer to the bloc’s proclaimed
vision of a capital markets union.
As ever, there are powerful obstacles to such reform. They include
some member state governments’ defensive approach to sovereignty,
according to which dysfunctional national supervision is preferable
to more effective EU-level supervision; protection by incumbent
national authorities, audit regulators, and accounting enforcers of
their existing turf; and lobbying by private-sector participants
that prefer lax local supervision driven by economic nationalism to
what is likely to be a more demanding approach by an EU authority.
The German government’s initial reaction appears to consider
change only at the margin, for example, replacing the DPR with
another entity or merging it with BaFin. But the cases of
prudential and AML supervision demonstrate that such obstacles can
be overcome. They also represent relevant precedents from which to
draw lessons on how to best design an effective EU framework. The
European Commission’s announcement of an ESMA investigation of
BaFin is a start, but the discussion will need to be broadened to
supervisory structures.
To be sure, no supervisor is perfect, and pooling these mandates at
the EU level would not be a panacea. The efficacy of audit
regulation, in particular, remains debated. Even in the United
States, where the PCAOB has vastly more resources than all its EU
counterparts taken together, auditors may still have lapses. But
the reforms suggested here would undoubtedly represent a
significant improvement in the quality and credibility of
supervision and ultimately of financial reporting by listed EU
companies. The Wirecard shock should serve as a wake-up call.
Disclosure: The author is an independent non-executive
director of the global trade repository arm of DTCC, which includes
EU operations that are supervised by ESMA