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AESG Disclosure Landscape for Banks and Capital Markets in Europe (Avril 2021) - AFME

Monday 19 April 2021 AFME Visit source website


  • Introduction
  • Regulatory Timeline – ESG Disclosures 
  • Macro ESG Disclosure Landscape 
  • ESG Disclosure Interdependencies 
  • Deep Dive Analysis
  • Information Flows to Facilitate Disclosures 
  • Governance Standards Around Disclosures 
  • Policy Recommendations
  • AFME Contacts 

Executive Summary

This Report has two purposes. It provides a detailed inventory of the key elements of the European regulatory landscape for ESG disclosures, as well as the voluntary TCFD Framework, and aims to help the industry navigate its interrelated components by analysing them through different lenses. The Report also functions as a practical, easy-to-read summary of how financial institutions can navigate these complex and interrelated requirements.

Téléchargez le document PDF.