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FSB roadmap for addressing climate-related financial risks - July 2021

Wednesday 07 July 2021 FSB Visit source website Download PDF

There is a need to coordinate the large and growing number of international initiatives underway on addressing financial risks from climate change.

There is a growing focus on potential risks to financial stability from climate change. A large, and growing, number of international initiatives are underway on addressing financial risks from climate change. Ongoing work by official sector bodies, including the FSB, NGFS, BCBS, IAIS, IOSCO, OECD, IMF and World Bank, and a variety of private sector bodies on climate issues have been added to recently by the IFRS Foundation proposal to establish an International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), initially focused on climate-related reporting. More generally, climate topics are being given an important place in both the G20 and G7 agendas for 2021, and preparations are underway for COP26.

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