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Discours de Benoît de Juvigny, Secrétaire général de l'AMF - IOSCO SPAC Network Stakeholder Meeting - 16 décembre 2021

Thursday 06 January 2022 AMF Visit source website

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Delighted to participate in this IOSCO outreach event dedicated to the topic of SPACs. Acknowledgements to the Chair, Jean-Pierre Servais, for the invitation. Thanking IOSCO and all members and affiliates connected around the world, good to see – though virtually – so many people involved in the topic of SPACs. SPACs are a topic that is of particular interest to me, firstly as Secrétaire général of the AMF and secondly as chair of ESMA CFSC. We have devoted significant efforts and time in France and at ESMA on this topic, to monitor and support these transactions, while ensuring appropriate investor protection. I have been tasked by Jean-Paul to introduce this afternoon’s discussion, so I will try to briefly set the scene and give an overview of some of the questions raised related to SPACs. 

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