ECB Climate Stress Test
Thursday 27 January 2022 ECB Visit source websiteThe ECB launched today a supervisory climate risk stress test to assess how prepared banks are for dealing with financial and economic shocks stemming from climate risk. The exercise will be conducted in the first half of 2022 after which the ECB will publish aggregate results in July 2022.
The exercise consists of three distinct modules: (i) a questionnaire on banks’ climate stress test capabilities, (ii) a peer benchmark analysis to assess the sustainability of banks’ business models and their exposure to emission-intensive companies, and (iii) a bottom-up stress test. A Methodological Note for the 2022 climate risk stress test accompanies the launch of the exercise.
This stress test could indirectly impact Pillar 2 requirements through the Supervisory Risk and Evaluation Process (SREP) scores, but will not directly impact banks’ capital.