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Publication de l'audition de gérants de fonds alternatifs par le Parlement Européen

mercredi 02 décembre 2009 Parlement Européen
Programme de l'audition (en anglais) : I) IOSCO - CESR Verena Ross, Co-Chair of the Task Force on "Hedge Funds Oversight" Report, International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)Eddy Wymeersch, Chairman, Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR)
II) Third Country/DepositaryRobin Oliver, Head of EMEA Compliance, State Street Bank
III) EU: a view from the sell side and from the buy sideAnthony Byrne, Managing Director, Global Head of Securities Lending, European Co-Head of Prime Finance, Global Markets, Deutsche BankMarkus Miederhoff, General Counsel Europe, Allianz Global Investors Europe GmbH
IV) EU: Pension FundsKris Douma, Head of Responsible Investment Support & Active Ownership, Mn ServicesGerben Everts, Head of the global Regulations & Compliance team, Asset Management department, Algemene Pensioen Groep (APG)
V) EU: Trade UnionsJanet Williamson, Senior Policy Officer, Trade Union Congress (TUC)Lire les auditions surle site du Parlement Européen