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DB Research - Euroland's hidden balance-of-payments crisis

mercredi 09 novembre 2011 Deutsche Bank
Euroland’s hidden balance-of-payments crisis

Below the surface of the euro area’s public debt and banking crisis lies a balance-of-payments crisis caused by the misalignment of internal real exchange rates. The path of least resistance seems to be an appreciation in creditor countries through the inflation of goods, services and asset prices. But will the electorates in the creditor countries accept a policy of easy money and exchange rate depreciation or push an exit from EMU? The authorities in creditor countries could insure their population against inflation and a soft currency policy by offering them index-linked securities that would convert into a new currency should these governments eventually decide to abandon the euro. Alternatively, authorities could aim at generating a combination of intra-EMU transfers, deflation in the debtor countries and inflation in the creditor countries such that the economic pain felt in each country group is shared between them in a way that leaves it below the level triggering a break-up of EMU.
DB Research
