FMI ¡ Working Paper : Criteria for Broadening the SDR Currency Basket
lundi 14 novembre 2011 FMIThe paper explores the pros and cons of maintaining
the current “freely usable currency” criterion, and clarifies
indicators for assessing it. The freely usable concept and its two
key elements—currencies should be Dwidely used¡and Dwidely
traded¡—are set out in the Articles and serve important operational
purposes. A formal requirement for a currency to be freely usable
was adopted for SDR valuation only in 2000, although considerations
relating to this concept had been taken into account earlier.
Indicators for assessing freely usable currencies were first
discussed in 1977, and are updated to reflect subsequent
developments in financial markets and data availability. The paper
suggests as indicators for Dwide use¡the currency composition of
foreign exchange reserves, international debt securities, and
international bank liabilities; and for Dwide trading¡it proposes foreign exchange spot market turnover.