EBA publishes Report and recommends supervisory best practices on securitisation risk retention, due diligence and disclosure
lundi 09 mai 2016 EBA Visiter le site sourceThe European Banking
Authority (EBA) published today a Report analysing measures taken
by Competent Authorities in 2014 to ensure compliance by
institutions with securitisation risk retention, due diligence and
disclosure requirements. Based on the EBA findings, the EBA has
identified best practices, which will help Competent Authorities in
their supervisory assessments of compliance of these
The Report highlights that
institutions are generally undertaking appropriate actions to
comply with such requirements, and only a very limited number of
non-compliant institutions have been reported since EU rules were
introduced in 2011. In total, 10 cases of non-compliance with risk
retention and due diligence have been reported. Sanctions in the
form of additional risk weights as per Article 407 of the Capital
Requirements Regulation (CRR) were applied in one out of the 10
According to the EBA analysis, it
also appears that ensuring compliance with risk retention, due
diligence and disclosure requirements has a lower priority in the
supervisory processes of Competent Authorities, although this may
be partially justified in light of the expectations on the
development of a the new securitisation framework at EU
Based on the findings of the
analysis, the EBA has identified a number of general supervisory
best practices to guide Competent Authorities in their supervisory
assessments of compliance with the risk retention, due diligence
and disclosure requirements in their jurisdictions.
The report also assesses how the
EBA recommendations on enhancing regulation of risk retention, due
diligence and disclosure rules, as specified in the EBA Opinion of
December 2014, have been taken on board in the proposals of the new
securitisation framework issued by the Commission in September
2015. The EBA notes with satisfaction that all the EBA
recommendations specified in the EBA Opinion have been taken on
board (two of them partially).