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jeudi 24 novembre 2016 Commission Européenne

Proposals to amend rules on capital requirement – 23.11.2016

On 23 November 2016 the Commission proposed amendments to the capital requirement directive and regulation. The amendments include measures that will strengthen the resilience of the banking sector by introducing more risk-sensitive capital requirements. At the same time, the new measures will make CRD/CRR rules more proportionate and less burdensome for smaller financial institutions and will improve banks' lending capacity to support EU economy.


Targeted consultation on proportionality in the future market risk capital requirements and the review of the original exposure method – 26.05.2016

The Commissions' services have launched a targeted consultation in order to gather the views of selected stakeholders on the proposed options for implementing the principle of proportionality in the upcoming market risk capital framework; to review the Original Exposure Method; and to replace the current standardised approaches for counterparty credit risk by the new standardised approach for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR).

In particular we would be interested in the views of institutions that currently use the standardised approach for market risk and/or for counterparty credit risk for the vast majority of their exposures; or that are currently eligible for the derogation for small trading books; the associations representing these institutions; and supervisory authorities.

The document has been sent to the relevant stakeholders. Any queries can be submitted by 24 June 2016 to this functional mailbox:

Targeted consultation on further considerations for the implementation of the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) in the EU – 26.05.2016

The Commission services have launched a targeted consultation to gather the views of selected stakeholders (in particular financial institutions that could be impacted by the implementation of the Net Stable Funding Ratio - NSFR at EU level, associations representing their interests and supervisory authorities) on specific issues that could be raised by the implementation of the NSFR at EU level.

The consultation document has been sent to the relevant stakeholders. Any queries can be submitted by 24th June 2016 to this functional mailbox:

Public Consultation on the possible impact of the CRR and CRD IV on bank financing of the economy – 15.07.2015

The Commission launched a consultation on the potential impact of Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and Directive (CRD IV) on the bank financing of the economy with a view to gather the stakeholders’ views and evidence.


Study on the Impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the access to finance for business and long-term investments – 05.05.2016