Proposed changes to Article 473a CRR Phase-in of regulatory impact of the introduction of IFRS 9
jeudi 06 avril 2017 Commission EuropéenneFurther to the Presidency non-paper numbered WK 2845/2017 INIT
and issued on 13 March 2017, the Council Working Party on Financial
Services (RRM) discussed, on 16 March 2017 (the 7th WP), a revised
version of Article 473a CRR proposed by the Presidency which
included different options for further discussion.
Following the discussions at the 7th WP and taking into account the
responses from the delegations to the specific questions on the
transitional regime for IFRS 9 as set out in Article 473a of the
CRR, the Presidency proposes a 2nd revised version of Article 473a
(Annex I).
The 2nd revised version builds upon the previous revised version
and aims to take on board the preferences voiced during the
previous meeting as well as the written responses.