Council Conclusions on the Deepening of the Capital Markets Union
jeudi 05 décembre 2019 Commission Européenne Visiter le site sourceTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION:
1. RECALLS its conclusions of 19 June 20151 and 10 November 20152
concerning the Commission Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets
Union3 (CMU Action Plan) as well as its conclusions concerning the
mid-term review of the CMU Action Plan from 11 July
2. WELCOMES the important steps taken and in particular the wide
range of legislative measures finalised in recent years and the
progress achieved so far under the remit of the CMU Action
3. STRESSES that these measures are a significant first step
towards deepening European capital markets and overcoming market
fragmentation and structural barriers, and will therefore
contribute positively to both the financing capacity available
within the Union and to European financial stability stemming from
deeper integration and more diversified funding sources across the