vendredi 20 novembre 2020 EUROFI Visiter le site sourceEDITORIAL
The Eurofi Financial Forum 2020 took place in Berlin in a hybrid
format on the eve of the informal Ecofin meeting.
More than 180 speakers from the EU public authorities and the
financial industry participated in the 30 sessions of this Forum,
which were followed by more than 500 participants.
The challenges and conditions for relaunching growth in the Covid
context and the main regulatory and supervisory developments in the
financial sector at the European and global levels were discussed
during this Forum, as well as major on-going trends such as
digitalisation and the development of sustainable finance.
In the following pages you will find the summaries of all the panel
discussions that took place during this international Forum and the
transcripts of the speeches and exchanges of views.
We hope you enjoy reading this report which provides a detailed
account of the views expressed by the public and private sector
representatives who took part in this event on the economic and
financial stability challenges that the EU is facing and the policy
priorities for the EU financial sector going forward.