Discours de Robert Ophèle, président de l'AMF - FESE – Convention 2021 - 1er juin 2021 (en anglais uniquement)
mardi 01 juin 2021 AMF Visiter le site sourceSeul le prononcé fait foi
Sustainability and digitalisation, which are the topics of the two panels this afternoon, are obviously the two main challenges facing our economies and the financial industry lies at their core.
Largely speaking, sustainability and digitalisation are different domains but, if we wish to boost our economies, we need to draw maximum potential from both of them. The financial sector has a key role to play notably by favouring investment in both sustainable activities and the transition to more sustainable activities and by gaining efficiency with the recourse to digitalised processes.
In order to meet these challenges, ambitious regulatory proposals are on the table at EU level. This in itself is fortunate since a national level has its obvious limits. The proposed regulatory frameworks could deliver a decisive step forward and there is a need to deliver rapidly on both fronts. Nevertheless, in both cases, these proposals have triggered criticism and this afternoon, there are two shared types of danger on which I intend to focus.