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EBA updates list of other systemically important institutions

11/07/2024 EBA Visiter le site source
  • 178 banks identified as systemically important in 2023.
  • The list aims to increase transparency in the EU.
  • The assessment of systemic importance remains under the remit of the national competent or designated authorities.

The European Banking Authority (EBA) updated today the list of other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs) in the EU, which, together with global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs), are identified as systemically important by the relevant authorities according to harmonised criteria laid down in the EBA Guidelines. This list is based on year-end-2023 data and includes the overall score calculated according to the EBA Guidelines and the capital buffer rate that the relevant authorities have set for the identified O-SIIs. The list is available also in a user-friendly visualisation tool.