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Research Seminar, ReFi – Chendi Zhang – University of Warwick

vendredi 01 juin 2018 Visiter le site source

Organized by Prof. Gunther Capelle-Blancard (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Labex ReFi) and Prof. Christophe Moussu (ESCP Europe, Labex ReFi).







Chendi Zhang

University of Warwick

(cv & bio)




(Paper tba)

79 avenue de la République 75011 Paris
Friday 1 June 2018
12:00am  to  13:30pm, Room 4310
For security reason, please register before the deadline.
Deadline: 30 may 2018
NB. If you are prevented from coming, we would be obliged if you could inform us as soon as possible at