Webinar - EBA’s regulatory roadmap to accompany European recovery and future growth with José Manuel CAMPA, Chairman of European Banking Authority
mardi 06 octobre 2020
8h30 à 10h00
REPLAY DISPONIBLE ICI >> https://youtu.be/QnrRS7nIOV4
Europe has been facing in recent years a dual challenge in the financial services area: increase resilience of the financial sector, namely the banking sector, while also harmonise regulation through a single rulebook in order to create a single, deep European financial market. To be efficient, this global market clearly needs a critical mass to facilitate adequate access to financial services and thus support growth and overall European competitiveness.
To accompany this challenge, the EIFR has constantly been promoting a «responsible regulation», together with a clear strategic roadmap for the financial industry, i.e. a shared view on the conditions for long term investment, on credit vs capital markets, on the conditions of profitability, etc.
The EBA has brought very substantial progress in restoring solvency and confidence in European banks. This role has actually become even more important in the context of Brexit and of the ambition of the new European Commission and Parliament for a comforted European project. The EBA is obviously a key player for putting in place both proper regulation and convergence of strong supervisory practices to ensure an effective environment for a European banking industry ready to support future growth.
An additional enormous challenge has emerged with the Covid-19, which is causing unprecedented economic disturbance. The EBA has been instrumental in providing swiftly guidelines to the banking industry to adapt and continue supporting companies and households during the turmoil and the recovery to come. Input and guidance from EBA appear particularly essential in this context of high turbulence to ensure effective, consistent prudential regulation and supervision across the European banking sector!
José Manuel Campa has been the Chairman of the EBA since March 2019. After studying law and economics at the University of Oviedo and earning his PhD in economics from Harvard University, Mr. Campa taught finance at New York and Columbia Universities and the IESE Business School, and consulted for a number of international organisations including the Inter-American Development Bank, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements and the European Commission. He also served as the Secretary of State for Economy of the Spanish government and was most recently Global Head of Regulatory Affairs of the Santander Group.
Pubic visé
- Etablissements bancaires : Direction générale, des Affaires Publiques, des Risques, de la Conformité, Financière, Juridique, de la Stratégie, CIB et Banque de détail
- Régulateurs, associations professionnelles, cabinets de conseil et d’avocats, milieu universitaire, secteur public
- Bénéficier d’un accès privilégié à une analyse des grands enjeux stratégiques de la réglementation bancaire et d’un dialogue avec le Président du régulateur bancaire européen
- Tirer profit d’un point général d’actualité sur les principaux chantiers réglementaires européens
- Connaissance des enjeux stratégiques de la réglementation bancaire
- Connaissance de l’actualité des grands chantiers réglementaires du secteur bancaire
- Aucun
- Livret d’accueil
- Echanges avec l’intervenant et la salle