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 Technology and Tranformation of Banking Industry: The Case of Capgemini’s TechnoVision

André CICHOWLAS Vice-président, Capgemini. Contact :

The banking industry is at a major crossroads, due to the exponentially increasing threat of disruption and disintermediation from non-traditional competition – notably FinTech firms and new more agile banks. Rapid innovations and technological advancements have made technology a cornerstone of driving competitive differentiation and driving sustainable profitable growth – by delivering superior customer experience and operational efficiencies. These changes require banks to integrate technology as part of their entire corporate DNA and business strategies to digitally transform themselves. It is no longer sufficient to simply incorporate technology into “business as usual”, what is needed is to put technology at the forefront of the business.

Capgemini’s TechnoVision provides bank executives and technologists with a clear framework and building blocks to re-shape their businesses for success in these more dynamic, fast-paced times. It also provides some guidance to banks businesses leaders on how leverage technologies in their transformation.