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 Debt and Development: the Challenges Raised by the Dakar Consensus

Hippolyte D'ALBIS * Professeur, Paris School of Economics ; directeur de recherche, CNRS ; président, Cercle des économistes. Contact :
Pierre JACQUET *  Professor, École des Ponts ParisTech; member of the Cercle des Économistes. Contact:
Jean-Hervé LORENZI * Professeur émérite, Université Paris-Dauphine ; président, Cercle des économistes. Contact :
Akiko SUWA-EISENMANN **** Professeur, Paris School of Economics ; directrice de recherche, INRAE ; membre, Cercle des économistes. Contact : Les auteurs remercient Cécile Valadier pour ses remarques constructives, mais restent seuls responsables des erreurs ou des imprécisions pouvant subsister.

The first official trip to Africa of the new Managing Director of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, took place in Dakar on December 2, 2019, to participate in an international conference organized by the Republic of Senegal and the Cercle des économistes, in partnership with the IMF, the World Bank and the United Nations. Entitled “Sustainable Development and Sustainable Debt: Striking the Right Balance”, this meeting was exceptional with the participation of six Heads of State (representing Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger, Côte d'Ivoire and Benin) and the Prime Minister of Mali who engaged in an open and symmetrical dialogue with the leaders of international organizations and the many experts and academics who attended.