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 Finance and Lockouts in the National Hockey League

Marc LAVOIE * Professeur émérite, Université d'Ottawa et Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Contact :

The paper presents an overview of changes in the financial situation of the National Hockey League over the last 30 years, notably by comparing it with that of the other three major sports in North America. The changes in this financial situation can be explained in large part through the four major industrial conflicts between the owners and the players that have occurred over the last 30 years – one strike and three lockouts. These conflicts have arisen around the rules regulating access to the status of free agent as they appear in the collective bargaining agreement that binds the National Hockey League Players' Association (NHLPA) and the owners, represented by the league's commissioner. The agreement also deals with the revenue split between players and owners, as well as other clauses that have financial consequences, such as the minimum salary and salary arbitration.