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EIOPA’s Agenda : Insurances & Long-Term Investment in the Context of CMU with Patrick Hoedjes

Thursday 23 March 2017

8h30 - 10h00
Registrations closed

Matinale EIFR - Labex ReFi



Speaker : Patrick Hoedjes, Head of Oversight & Supervisory Department  EIOPA – European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

2017 is for the European insurance industry a challenging year and not just because of uncertainties related to the BREXIT. Also 3 other major factors contribute to the challenge: the learning curve on the implementation of Solvency 2, the strategical ambition of the capital markets union, with its emphasis on better access to capital and supervisory convergence and finally Barnier’s heritage on long term investment as a condition for Europe to reconnect with growth. It is still our actual priority & challenge. Investors & mainly the insurance industry are key players to face that challenge.

In this context it is crucial to optimise the articulation between European ad hoc directives, the technical standards formatted by the European authorities and the industry. In the context of Insurance, Patrick Hoedjes,  Head of Department at the European Supervisory Authority (EIOPA) will share with the EIFR his views on EIOPA’s road map, priorities & issues. He will especially address also his view about reporting issues and how to optimise data collection & usages to contribute to an efficient collective prudential risk evaluation and surveillance, thereby enhancing supervisory convergence in the common market.

Patrick Hoedjes is Head of the Oversight and Supervisory Convergence Department at EIOPA. Furthermore, he is Chair of EIOPA's IT & Data Committee. Prior to joining EIOPA, Mr. Hoedjes worked at the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank). There he spent more than 10 years in various positions in pension supervision, cash operations and statistics, where he was Head of Unit for Supervision Statistics for Financial Institutions. From 2006 to 2008, Mr. Hoedjes was seconded as Head of the Statistical Department at the Bank Nederlandse Antillen in Curaçao. Mr. Hoedjes holds  master's degrees in economics and international relations from the Universiteit van Amsterdam.


Matinale EIFR - Labex ReFi