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 Private Equity and Human Capital

Faten BEN BOUHENI ** Professeur adjoint en finance, Menlo College of Silicon Valley, Californie, États-Unis. Contact :
Alexandre GUILLARD *** Directeur Agences des transformations, Covéa.
Josse ROUSSEL * Maître de conférences HDR, Laboratoire d'économie dionysien (LED), Université Paris 8. Contact :

The concept of human capital has become critical for both the academic (economists, management scholars) and business communities. In the first part of our paper, we define the concept of human capital and present the different methodologies enabling its assessment. In the second part, we emphasize on human capital in private equity investment, shedding the light on business professionals' growing interest for human capital which represents a key asset for emerging firms especially in the service sector (banking, insurance, consulting, education) and high-tech industries.