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date Source title
10/18/2011 IFRS, où en est la convergence?
10/11/2011 Transposition des directives OPCVM IV et AIFM: de nouvelles opportunités pour la gestion d'actifs ?
10/06/2011 IFRS: Où en est la convergence ?
10/05/2011 Industrialisation des modalités d'annonces des OST : une réponse au risque opérationnel?
10/05/2011 Institut de Finance Structurée à Paris (IFSP): " Banks Restructuring COCOs & convertible capital" avec Theo Vermaelen, Professor, INSEAD
09/12/2011 2nd Annual Evolution in Fixed Income e-Trading
07/06/2011 EIFR conference at Paris EUROPLACE Financial Forum TRADING & POST-TRADING: Priorities & Criteria for a Smart Regulation
06/29/2011 Invitation to a practical demonstration on pre- and post trade-transparency Market Transparency at work
06/08/2011 Banking and Insurance Sectors: How to survive the Regulatory and Accounting Turmoil?
06/07/2011 Instrument de paiement: Enjeux opérationnels et juridiques
06/07/2011 Les infrastructures de marché en 2011 : Où en est-on ?
05/20/2011 Colloque: Vers quelle régulation de l'audit faut-il aller?
05/06/2011 AMF 2011 Scientific Advisory Board Conference - The financialisation of commodity markets: what are the challenges for the regulators?
03/22/2011 5th Financial Risks International Forum - Systemic Risk
02/08/2011 Les marchés sont-ils devenus raisonnables ?
01/27/2011 3rd Annual Conference on Hedge Funds - Market intermediaries, financial markets, and the real economy
01/10/2011 ILB - Modelling and Managing Financial Risks
12/09/2010 CEBS meeting
11/30/2010 Registration Deadline - ILB Conference - Modelling and Managing Financial Risks
11/25/2010 Annual Conference of the French Authority for Financial Markets
11/11/2010 G20 summit in Seoul, South Korea
11/09/2010 CEIOPS- Members' meeting
10/20/2010 Consultative Panel meeting
10/18/2010 3ème Colloque de la Commission des Sanctions de l'AMF
10/12/2010 9th annual meeting - Custodies and Depositaries 2010
10/06/2010 CEBS meeting
09/30/2010 Call for paper - 3rd Annual Conference on Hedge Funds - Market intermediaries, financial markets, and the real economy
09/30/2010 C.R.E.D.I.T. 2010 - Credit Risk, Systemic Risk, and Large Portfolios
09/28/2010 The Eurofi Financial Forum 2010
09/23/2010 UCITS IV : What consequences on asset management companies ?