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Financial history chronicle

Since issue 117, each REF has included a column which, issue by issue, attempts to put together a body of historical analyses of financial economic phenomena. To stay within the spirit and the letter of our review, we have decided to prioritize the statistical dimension of economic history. In the same way that, according to the saying, “ a picture is worth a thousand words,” a good table carefully commented on is often worth a long article. To take the lead on this column, we have asked Claude Diebolt (CNRS research director at the University of Strasburg) to enlighten our understanding of the workings of financial economics from an historical perspective not limited to France, or even necessarily to “modern” history. To the extent possible, but not exclusively, this column deals with topics related to the main subject of the issue.


PS: Researchers in history are encouraged to submit their column proposals to the Révue d’économie financière by email at:

REF 154 June 2024 Understanding Banking Distress and the Importance of Supervision Archives: Insights from Fascist Italy
REF 153 April 2024 Counting Patents over the Long Term
REF 152 February 2024 « Competitive Devaluations » in the 1930s: More Myth Than Reality
REF 151 November 2023 A Brief History of Ecological Accounting
REF 150 July 2023 Repudiation! The Crisis of United States Civil War Debt, 1865-1870
REF 149 March 2023 Why Have the Financial Crises in Spain During the Last 165 Years (1850-2015) Occurred More Frequently and Been More Serious?
REF 148 January 2023 Was John Law Really the Son of Aeolus? John Law: Monetary Stability and the Monarchy Subservient to the Banque Générale (1704-1719)
REF 147 November 2022 Colonial Institutions, Imperial Exploitation and the Return on Capital Investments – Comparing the Histories of Malaysia and South Africa
REF 146 October 2022 A Portfolio Esthetic: the Exotic Composition of Marcel Proust's Financial Securities
REF 145 August 2022 The Role Played by the Guarantee of a Sovereign Loan: the Example of Portugal and Brazil From 1891 To 1925
REF 144 March 2022 Did the Financial Markets See the Great War Coming?
REF 143 November 2021 The Asiento de Negros, the South Sea Company, Slave Trading Profits and the Financial Revolution in Great Britain
REF 142 August 2021 Green and Sustainable Finance
REF 142 August 2021 Asset Management Portfolios Alignement with the Paris Agreement
REF 142 August 2021 Green Swans, Covid-19 and Financing Sustainable Growth
REF 142 August 2021 The Future Role of Finance Faced to the Ecological Transisition
REF 142 August 2021 Finance Industry Helping the Ecological Transition
REF 141 July 2021 Can Uncertainty Shocks Help Explain the US Great Depression? A Historical Decomposition Approach
REF 138 December 2020 Education and Public Finance in Spain from 1850 to 1965