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Financial history chronicle

Since issue 117, each REF has included a column which, issue by issue, attempts to put together a body of historical analyses of financial economic phenomena. To stay within the spirit and the letter of our review, we have decided to prioritize the statistical dimension of economic history. In the same way that, according to the saying, “ a picture is worth a thousand words,” a good table carefully commented on is often worth a long article. To take the lead on this column, we have asked Claude Diebolt (CNRS research director at the University of Strasburg) to enlighten our understanding of the workings of financial economics from an historical perspective not limited to France, or even necessarily to “modern” history. To the extent possible, but not exclusively, this column deals with topics related to the main subject of the issue.


PS: Researchers in history are encouraged to submit their column proposals to the Révue d’économie financière by email at:

REF 137 October 2020 Banking Crises in France during the Great Depression: a Renewed Story
REF 136 April 2020 The Causes and Consequences of Deposit Insurance
REF 135 January 2020 L'édit de la paulette 1604 : the Royal Finances Marketisation
REF 134 October 2019 Money and Protectionism in the United States of America After the Civil War
REF 133 June 2019 The Concept of Odious Debts
REF 132 March 2019 Before Central Banks Cooperation: Containing the Panic of 1825
REF 131 December 2018 The French “Non” and the German Crisis of 1931
REF 130 July 2018 Investment Banks as Corporate Monitors in the Early Twentieth Century United States
REF 129 May 2018 Société Générale's Exotic Securities (1914): the South-American Risk
REF 128 February 2018 John Maynard Keynes : Economist and Foreign Exchange Speculator
REF 127 December 2017 The Reichsbank: a Bank for War?
REF 126 October 2017 Setting Benchmark Rates: Lessons from Renaissance Banking
REF 124 December 2016 Financial Openness in History: A Political Economy Approach
REF 123 October 2016 What the Panic of 1907 Can Tell Us about the Crisis of 2008?
REF 122 June 2016 Financial history column. The First Business Model of Banque de France in 1800
REF 121 March 2016 French Monetary Policy during the Trente Glorieuses
REF 120 December 2015 Money for the Poor, Money for the Rich in 19th Century France
REF 119 September 2015 The Currency War Is 100 Years Old!
REF 118 June 2015 Dow Jones Volatility: Lessons from History through the Study of Shocks (1928-2013)
REF 117 March 2015 A Primer on United States Free Banking