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Supervisory impacts on regulation - Basel III - Pilar 2 versusPilier 1 ?

Tuesday 10 January 2023

9h00 - 12h00
Registrations closed

Supervisory impacts on regulation are not so much pushed forward.  However, results only are accountable: they are conditioned by internal and external supervisory quality which needs to be credible to establish a universe of trust and confidence. It is a prerequisite for financial activities. It is essential for European mutual recognition and overcome the temptations of extraterritorial measures.

Supervisory is cleary based on the political regulatory framework fixed by EU legislation and in relations with EBA for banks.

However, the overall prudential framework is also affected by case law developed on the basis of inquiries and penalties, national regulatory and supervisory practices creating « soft law », or even other sources of regulation which could interfere with the law produced by Directives, Rules and Technical texts from the European Regulation Authorities.


The purposes of this seminar are to analyze the balance between the regulatory objective and the direct or indirect impacts of supervision on the prudential framework:

  • Articulations between stakeholders involved in supervision
  • Place granted to specific characteristics of each stakeholder

…And to encourage the debates on:

  • Interrelations  and/or legal and prudential frontiers
  • Actual legal and regulatory means dedicated to contradiction to supervisory decisions. 


  • Banking institutions: functions in the areas of finance, risks, law, compliance, regulatory and public affairs…
  • Lawyers and consulting companies
  • Regulators and other public Authorities
  • The Academic world
  • Journalists et all professionals wishing to extend their knowledge in the regulation and banking supervision field.
  • Analysis of frontiers and potential articulations between texts adopted by the Council and Parliament in the banking sector, rules decreed by the European Commission, European Banking Authority ones and European Central Bank practices.
  • Determination of Pilar 2 requirements, non-performing loans’ measures are namely concerned.
  • Understanding of the positions of the European Regulator and Supervisor and determination of the « best practices »
Search of balance between legislator, regulator and supervisor in an efficient European financial world?
Supervision and Regulation from the European regulator point of view: lessons learnt from some years of practice.
Supervision and Regulation: the legal framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)
Regulation – prudential supervisory: sources of uncertainties and risks for the financial industry?
Law, regulation, supervision : legal ambiguities How value chains of interpretation and practices minimize incertainty? Articulations and limits.
Participants discussion with speakers