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date source title
01/25/2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
01/25/2012 SIFMA Sifma : News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
01/25/2012 Euractiv Euractiv : 24 heures de politiques européennes
01/20/2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
01/20/2012 BRI Stress-testing macro stress testing:does it live up to expectations?
01/20/2012 Agence Europe ÉCONOMIE: France et Allemagneveulent avancer sur la coordination fiscale
01/20/2012 FSB FSB - Meeting of the Financial Stability Board Regional Consultati​ve Group for the Middle East and North Africa
01/20/2012 FMI FMI: une dotation accrue aurait un impact systémique pour la Commission
01/20/2012 ISDA ISDA Announces Membership and Mission of the Industry Clearing Committee
01/20/2012 BCE BCE - Second progress report to the Advisory Group on T2S harmonisat​ion
01/18/2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
01/17/2012 CE Ventes à découvert (proposition de règlement)
01/17/2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
01/17/2012 CE Discours de M. Barnier : "Restoring confidence in the financial sector acting regionally and globally"
01/17/2012 BRI BRI - Requirements for OTC derivatives data reporting and aggregation: CPSS-IOSCO publishes final report (17.01.2012)
01/17/2012 SIFMA Sifma : News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
01/13/2012 SIFMA Sifma : How to Build en Exchange
01/11/2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
01/11/2012 Investment banker Investment banker : Le marché européen du Corporate Finance - 07/01/2012
01/11/2012 ESMA ESMA - Publication of responses to ESMA's consultation on possible delegated acts concerning the Prospectus Directive
01/10/2012 ESMA ESMA updates the list of registered and certified CRA's
01/10/2012 Le Figaro Le - Taxe financière avec l'Europe (Pécresse)
01/10/2012 Agence Europe (Agence Europe) Crise de la dette, Berlin et Paris veulent stimuler la croissance
01/10/2012 Reuters Reuters / Le Monde - Fitch ne devrait pas dégrader la note de la France en 2012 (10/01)
01/10/2012 Le Monde Itw de Jean-Pierre Jouyet + itw de Laurence Parisot
01/10/2012 ESMA ESMA publishes a Q&A on MAD regarding definition of inside information on dividends
01/10/2012 Parlement Européen Parlement européen - Taxe sur les transactions financières: la balance penche fermement en faveur
01/09/2012 Réponse du gouvernement britannique au rapport Vickers
01/09/2012 GFMA Gfma : News on the global financial markets
01/09/2012 Euractiv Euractiv : 24 heures de politiques européennes