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date source title
Friday 26 February 2010 CEPS Restoring Investor Confidence in European Capital Markets
Thursday 25 February 2010 Reginfo Directive MIF : l'heure du bilan (sévère) a sonné !
Wednesday 24 February 2010 IFD IFD - Expectations concerning the new European Commission
Tuesday 23 February 2010 MINEFE Christine LAGARDE installe l'Autorité des Normes Comptables
Thursday 18 February 2010 MINEFE Mr Fleuriot's report on MIFID issues
Thursday 18 February 2010 HEC Market Fragmentation and Liquidity - Pr Thierry Foucault
Thursday 18 February 2010 Reginfo Redémarrage des IPO : entretien exclusif avec Benoît de Juvigny de l'AMF
Wednesday 17 February 2010 The NY Times Paulson: Financial regulatory reform is needed immediately
Wednesday 17 February 2010 Wall Street Journal Commentary: Systemic risk, resolution authority are most pressing
Wednesday 17 February 2010 Associated Press EU's Barnier differs with US on regulatory revamp
Wednesday 17 February 2010 FT IASB backs away from convergence goal
Wednesday 17 February 2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS published today the Report on Convergence 2009 and the Roadmap for Convergence for 2010
Tuesday 16 February 2010 Wall Street Journal FSA's Turner continues to push for tougher capital requirements
Monday 15 February 2010 IASB IASB - Trustees announce further governance enhancements
Friday 12 February 2010 BIS Equipping financial regulators with the tools necessary to monitor systemic risk by Daniel K Tarullo
Wednesday 10 February 2010 CEBS CEBS today publishes a summary of the discussions at the public hearing on CP30
Monday 08 February 2010 WSJ G-7 can't reach accord on financial regulation
Monday 08 February 2010 Risk Europe Regulators might restrict use of derivatives-trading profits
Monday 08 February 2010 Reuters IASB Told to Improve Governance
Thursday 04 February 2010 IOSCO CPSS - IOSCO review of standards for payment, clearing and settlement systems
Thursday 04 February 2010 US Senate Volcker Rules' for Financial Stability - speech by Hal Scott
Monday 01 February 2010 CESR CESR reviews the application of guidelines to simplify the notification procedures of UCITS across Europe
Monday 01 February 2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS publishes the list of groups for which a College is in place
Monday 01 February 2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS publishes 3d and final set of advice on Solvency II Implementing Measures
Friday 29 January 2010 CEBS CEBS responds to the consultation of the EU Commission on crisis management
Friday 29 January 2010 CESR CESR starts consulting on guidance how to report transactions on OTC derivative instruments
Thursday 28 January 2010 CEBS CEBS Chairman speaks at the ECON hearing in Brussels
Thursday 28 January 2010 Bloomberg Obama's proposal dominates discussion at Davos conference
Monday 25 January 2010 CE Revision of the Capital Requirement Directive (CRD)
Monday 25 January 2010 FSA 3 L 3 Cross-Sector Seminar on MiFID