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date source title
Tuesday 30 March 2010 BIS Good Practice Principles on Supervisory Colleges - consultative paper issued by Basel Committee
Thursday 25 March 2010 Reginfo Un Small business Act européen--nfin !
Tuesday 23 March 2010 Université d'Harvard "Toward an Effective Resolution Regime for Large Financial Institutions" - Daniel K. Tarullo - Harvard Law School
Tuesday 23 March 2010 CE Conference on cross border crisis management - speeches
Tuesday 23 March 2010 AGEFI Germany to introduce levy for bank bail-outs
Monday 22 March 2010 BIS Christian Noyer: Financial stability in Europe and in the world - a French perspective
Friday 19 March 2010 CEPS Overcoming too-big-to-fail: A Regulatory Framework to Limit Moral Hazard and Free Riding in the Financial Sector
Friday 19 March 2010 FMI IMF Working Paper - Crisis Management and Resolution for a European Banking System
Thursday 18 March 2010 Université d'Harvard Harvard Law School - International Financial Systems Forum - 2010 Briefing Book Materials - Europe U.S.
Wednesday 17 March 2010 BIS BIS - Principles for enhancing corporate governance - consultative document
Wednesday 17 March 2010 PE M. Barnier - Discours devant le parlement européen
Wednesday 17 March 2010 IASB Chairman of the IASB addresses ECOFIN meeting
Wednesday 17 March 2010 Commission Européenne Spanish Presidency Publishes Compromise Proposal on Omnibus Directive
Tuesday 16 March 2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS - publication of its European wide stress test exercise for the insurance sector results
Monday 15 March 2010 AMF AMF - Publication of Anti Money Laundering regulation's guidelines.
Monday 15 March 2010 US Senate Sen. Dodd unveils legislation to overhaul financial regulation
Friday 12 March 2010 AFP AIFM - Bruxelles se défend de tout protectionnisme et répond à T. Geithner
Friday 12 March 2010 FSA FSA - Financial Risk Outlook 2010 report publication
Monday 08 March 2010 AFP Jean-Philippe Thierry vice-président de l'ACP
Monday 08 March 2010 CESR FAQ: CESR Members provide commonly agreed answers to questions on EU CRA Regulation
Monday 08 March 2010 BIS BIS Board elects Christian Noyer as new Chairman
Thursday 04 March 2010 Euractiv Barroso sets out 10-year plan for EU economy
Thursday 04 March 2010 Reginfo Sanctions AMF : une subvention publique comptabilisée trop tôt peut coûter cher !
Tuesday 02 March 2010 CESR CESR recommends the European Institutions introduce a pan-European short selling disclosure regime
Tuesday 02 March 2010 Commission Européenne Barnier - Restoring confidence in financial markets - dinner hosted by the British Bankers' Association
Monday 01 March 2010 Site M. Barnier Barnier - Meeting with London-based hedge fund and private equity managers
Monday 01 March 2010 CE European Commission's consultation on CRD directive
Monday 01 March 2010 OICV International regulators publish systemic risk data requirements for hedge funds
Monday 01 March 2010 PE MEP Werner Langen report on OTC derivatives markets
Sunday 28 February 2010 TELOS Europe : il faut centraliser l’information boursière