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date source title
05/26/2010 EDHEC RISKS Edhec Risks - Feature publication "On the Suitability of the Calibration of Private Equity Risk in the Solvency II" Standard Formula
05/26/2010 CESR Letter to the Commission - The Technical Details of the Pan-European Short Selling Disclosure Regime
05/20/2010 CESR CESR sets out harmonised definition of European money market fund
05/18/2010 PE Hedge funds: MEPs call for less speculation and more transparency
05/18/2010 AMF Newsletter AMF - Regulation & Listed Corporate
05/17/2010 CESR CESR - Consultation on Credit Agencies Issues linked to their supervision and the settlement of common methodological standards
05/13/2010 OICV IOSCO - Regulatory Implementation of the Statement of Principles Regarding the Activities of Credit Rating Agencies
05/12/2010 BIS BIS - Considerations for trade repositories in OTC derivatives markets - consultative report
05/12/2010 IOSCO IOSCO and CPSS consult on policy guidance for central counterparties and trade repositories in the OTC derivatives market
05/11/2010 CESR CESR to take a coordinated effort to respond to the recent market turmoil
05/04/2010 AMF Audition de Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Président de l'Autorité des marchés financiers par la Commission des Affaires européennes
04/30/2010 AMF/ACP Création du pôle commun entre l'Autorité des marchés financiers et l'Autorité de contrôle prudentiel
04/29/2010 PE Regulatory Observatory - OTC market regulation
04/27/2010 CEBS CEBS today publishes its Principles for disclosures in times of stress
04/21/2010 EDHEC "Are Hedge-Fund UCITS the Cure-All?" - Samuel SENDER (Edhec Risk Institute) Thesis
04/21/2010 AFIC Speech - Jean Pierre JOUYET, Chairman, AMF, on Private Equity
04/20/2010 MINEFE Prada's report on regulating CO2 quotas exchanges
04/19/2010 BCE ECB report on the lessons learned from the financial crisis with regard to the functioning of european financial market infrastructures
04/15/2010 BIS Basel Committee - Sound practices for backtesting counterparty credit risk models
04/15/2010 AMF AMF - "Financial Regulation" Newsletter publication - n°15
04/14/2010 MINEFE Christine LAGARDE publie le rapport de Jean-François LEPETIT sur le risque systémique
04/13/2010 CESR CESR launches 3 consultation on its advice on MIFID
04/09/2010 Reginfo L'archivage est un métier
04/07/2010 CESR CESR reviews national use of options and descritions of Market Abuse Directive
04/07/2010 CESR CESR consults on micro-structural issues of the European equity markets
04/07/2010 CEBS CEBS draft guidelines on joint assessment and joint decision regarding the capital adequacy of cross border groups
04/01/2010 Reginfo Accessibilité de l'information réglementée sur Internet : encore un effort !
03/30/2010 AMF Publication de l'instruction de l'Autorité des marchés financiers et d'une nouvelle série de questions-réponses
03/30/2010 BIS Good Practice Principles on Supervisory Colleges - consultative paper issued by Basel Committee
03/25/2010 Reginfo Un Small business Act européen--nfin !