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date source title
11/17/2011 Euractiv Euractiv: 24 heures de politiques européennes
11/17/2011 GFMA GFMA:
11/17/2011 SIFMA SIFMA - News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
11/17/2011 En Temps Réel Les défauts du défaut - Quelques clefs pour comprendre la crise de la dette souveraine
11/16/2011 JO - UE Décision de la Banque centrale européenne du 3 novembre 2011 relative à la mise en oeuvre du deuxième programme d'achat d'obligations sécurisées
11/16/2011 GFMA GFMA: News on the global financial markets
11/16/2011 Euractiv Euractiv: 24h de politique européenne
11/16/2011 AMF AMF: Financial Regulation Newsletter - Octobre 2011
11/16/2011 EDHEC EDHEC-Risk Institute PhD in Finance - Newsletter September/November 2011
11/16/2011 IOSCO IOSCO Development of Corporate Bond Markets in the Emerging Markets : Final Report
11/16/2011 FED FED Liquidity Risk and Hedge Fund Ownership
11/16/2011 BRI BRI OTC derivatives market activity in the first half of 2011
11/16/2011 SIFMA SIFMA: News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
11/16/2011 Gouvernement Conseil des ministres du 16 novembre 2011 : Loi de finances rectificative pour 2011
11/15/2011 BRI BRI Global liquidity concept, measurement and policy implications
11/15/2011 GFMA GFMA: News on the global financial markets
11/15/2011 SIFMA SIFMA: News on the capital markets, securities and financial industry
11/15/2011 CE CE: Commission wants better quality credit ratings
11/15/2011 Agence Europe FINANCES : interdiction encadrée des CDS souverains servant à spéculer
11/14/2011 Euractiv Euractiv: 24 heures de politiques européennes
11/14/2011 GFMA GFMA: News on the global financial markets
11/14/2011 FED FED Pursuing Financial Stability at the Federal Reserve by Vice Chair Janet L. Yellen
11/14/2011 SEC SEC Charges UBS With Faulty Recordkeeping Related to Short Sales
11/14/2011 FMI IMF: FMI The Puzzle of Persistently Negative Interest Rate-Growth Differentials: Financial Repression or Income Catch-Up? Working Paper
11/14/2011 FMI IMF ¡ Working Paper : Criteria for Broadening the SDR Currency Basket
11/14/2011 CE Commission europénne Déclaration du Commissaire Michel Banier suite à la notation erronée de la France par Standard & Poor's
11/14/2011 JO - UE JO - UE : Comptes annuels de l'Union européenne Exercice 2010
11/14/2011 Fondation Robert Schuman Fondation Robert Schuman: La Lettre n°509
11/14/2011 ISDA ISDA Robert Pickel Appointed CEO of ISDA; Conrad Voldstad to Serve as Special Advisor to the Board
11/14/2011 CE European Corporate Governance Forum - Annual Report 2011