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date source title
02/24/2010 IFD IFD - Expectations concerning the new European Commission
02/23/2010 MINEFE Christine LAGARDE installe l'Autorité des Normes Comptables
02/18/2010 MINEFE Mr Fleuriot's report on MIFID issues
02/18/2010 HEC Market Fragmentation and Liquidity - Pr Thierry Foucault
02/18/2010 Reginfo Redémarrage des IPO : entretien exclusif avec Benoît de Juvigny de l'AMF
02/17/2010 The NY Times Paulson: Financial regulatory reform is needed immediately
02/17/2010 Wall Street Journal Commentary: Systemic risk, resolution authority are most pressing
02/17/2010 Associated Press EU's Barnier differs with US on regulatory revamp
02/17/2010 FT IASB backs away from convergence goal
02/17/2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS published today the Report on Convergence 2009 and the Roadmap for Convergence for 2010
02/16/2010 Wall Street Journal FSA's Turner continues to push for tougher capital requirements
02/15/2010 IASB IASB - Trustees announce further governance enhancements
02/12/2010 BIS Equipping financial regulators with the tools necessary to monitor systemic risk by Daniel K Tarullo
02/10/2010 CEBS CEBS today publishes a summary of the discussions at the public hearing on CP30
02/08/2010 WSJ G-7 can't reach accord on financial regulation
02/08/2010 Risk Europe Regulators might restrict use of derivatives-trading profits
02/08/2010 Reuters IASB Told to Improve Governance
02/04/2010 IOSCO CPSS - IOSCO review of standards for payment, clearing and settlement systems
02/04/2010 US Senate Volcker Rules' for Financial Stability - speech by Hal Scott
02/01/2010 CESR CESR reviews the application of guidelines to simplify the notification procedures of UCITS across Europe
02/01/2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS publishes the list of groups for which a College is in place
02/01/2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS publishes 3d and final set of advice on Solvency II Implementing Measures
01/29/2010 CEBS CEBS responds to the consultation of the EU Commission on crisis management
01/29/2010 CESR CESR starts consulting on guidance how to report transactions on OTC derivative instruments
01/28/2010 CEBS CEBS Chairman speaks at the ECON hearing in Brussels
01/28/2010 Bloomberg Obama's proposal dominates discussion at Davos conference
01/25/2010 CE Revision of the Capital Requirement Directive (CRD)
01/25/2010 FSA 3 L 3 Cross-Sector Seminar on MiFID
01/22/2010 FSB, Basel Committee, G-20 differ on financial regulatory overhaul
01/22/2010 CE Legislative process for AIFM draft directive