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date source title
03/23/2010 Université d'Harvard "Toward an Effective Resolution Regime for Large Financial Institutions" - Daniel K. Tarullo - Harvard Law School
03/23/2010 CE Conference on cross border crisis management - speeches
03/23/2010 AGEFI Germany to introduce levy for bank bail-outs
03/22/2010 BIS Christian Noyer: Financial stability in Europe and in the world - a French perspective
03/19/2010 CEPS Overcoming too-big-to-fail: A Regulatory Framework to Limit Moral Hazard and Free Riding in the Financial Sector
03/19/2010 FMI IMF Working Paper - Crisis Management and Resolution for a European Banking System
03/18/2010 Université d'Harvard Harvard Law School - International Financial Systems Forum - 2010 Briefing Book Materials - Europe U.S.
03/17/2010 BIS BIS - Principles for enhancing corporate governance - consultative document
03/17/2010 PE M. Barnier - Discours devant le parlement européen
03/17/2010 IASB Chairman of the IASB addresses ECOFIN meeting
03/17/2010 Commission Européenne Spanish Presidency Publishes Compromise Proposal on Omnibus Directive
03/16/2010 CEIOPS CEIOPS - publication of its European wide stress test exercise for the insurance sector results
03/15/2010 AMF AMF - Publication of Anti Money Laundering regulation's guidelines.
03/15/2010 US Senate Sen. Dodd unveils legislation to overhaul financial regulation
03/12/2010 AFP AIFM - Bruxelles se défend de tout protectionnisme et répond à T. Geithner
03/12/2010 FSA FSA - Financial Risk Outlook 2010 report publication
03/08/2010 AFP Jean-Philippe Thierry vice-président de l'ACP
03/08/2010 CESR FAQ: CESR Members provide commonly agreed answers to questions on EU CRA Regulation
03/08/2010 BIS BIS Board elects Christian Noyer as new Chairman
03/04/2010 Euractiv Barroso sets out 10-year plan for EU economy
03/04/2010 Reginfo Sanctions AMF : une subvention publique comptabilisée trop tôt peut coûter cher !
03/02/2010 CESR CESR recommends the European Institutions introduce a pan-European short selling disclosure regime
03/02/2010 Commission Européenne Barnier - Restoring confidence in financial markets - dinner hosted by the British Bankers' Association
03/01/2010 Site M. Barnier Barnier - Meeting with London-based hedge fund and private equity managers
03/01/2010 CE European Commission's consultation on CRD directive
03/01/2010 OICV International regulators publish systemic risk data requirements for hedge funds
03/01/2010 PE MEP Werner Langen report on OTC derivatives markets
02/28/2010 TELOS Europe : il faut centraliser l’information boursière
02/26/2010 CEPS Restoring Investor Confidence in European Capital Markets
02/25/2010 Reginfo Directive MIF : l'heure du bilan (sévère) a sonné !