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date source titre
04/10/2021 Commission Européenne Europe - Proposition d'acte sur la gouvernance des données
04/10/2021 FSB FSB - Financial Stability Surveillance Framework
30/09/2021 AGEFI Les banques centrales et la BRI esquissent un cadre pour les monnaies digitales
29/09/2021 ECB Occasional Paper Series ECB economy-wide climate stress test
23/09/2021 AGEFI Paris fait du reporting extra-financier une priorité européenne
22/09/2021 AGEFI La Commission européenne dévoile ses propositions pour Solvabilité 2
21/09/2021 ACPR Programme 2021 Forum Fintech ACPR AMF
21/09/2021 OICV-IOSCO The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning by market intermediaries and asset managers Final Report
21/09/2021 Commission Européenne Discours sur l'état de l'Union 2021 de la présidente Von Der Leyen
21/09/2021 Commission Européenne État de l'Union: la Commission propose une voie à suivre pour la décennie numérique afin de réaliser la transformation numérique de l'UE à l'horizon 2030
13/09/2021 ESMA Joint Committee of the ESAs -Autumn 2021
13/09/2021 Commission Européenne NextGenerationEU: European Commission gearing up for issuing €250 billion of NextGenerationEU green bonds
13/09/2021 AFME AFME Prudential Data Report 2Q 2021
13/09/2021 EUROFI Central bank digital currency: the future starts today
06/09/2021 ESMA ESMA Report on Trends, Risks and Vulnerabilities
06/09/2021 AFME ESG Finance Report European Sustainable Finance
30/08/2021 Banque de France Mesurer les anticipations d’inflation des entreprises - Le Bulletin de la Banque de France n°236 : Article 6 -
27/08/2021 FSB AGENDA- Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic from a financial stability perspective - Virtual Stakeholder Workshop - Wednesday 1 September 2021 (13:00–15:00 CEST)
27/08/2021 EFAMA Fighting the use of shell entities and arrangements for tax purposes - EFAMA comments on the EC's public consultation - 27th August 2021
26/08/2021 Banque de France Un monde libre, Discours de François Villeroy de Galhau, Gouverneur de la Banque de France - 26 août 2021
24/08/2021 BIS BIS Innovation Hub and HKMA investigate how tokenized green bonds can improve sustainable investment - August 2021
24/08/2021 EIOPA Letter from EIOPA to ECOFIN: Implications of insurers‘ failures to the protection of European policyholders - August 2021
24/08/2021 EBA EBA publishes peer review on the prudential assessment of qualifying holdings - August 2021
24/08/2021 ACPR Annual Report on Sanctioning Activities in the SSM in 2020 - ACPR - August 2021
23/08/2021 ESMA SPOTLIGHT ON MARKETS - Are SPACs a good deal ? ESMA - August 2021
20/08/2021 FSB Continuity of Access to FMI Services (FMI intermediaries) for Firms in Resolution - FSB - August 2021
18/08/2021 BIS Could corporate credit losses turn out higher than expected? - Bis Bulletin no 46 - August 2021
12/08/2021 EFAMA EFAMA responds to IOSCO's recommendations on sustainability-related practices policies, procedures and disclosures in asset management - 12th August 2021
09/08/2021 FSB FSB workshop on compensation practices 2021: Summary of discussion. FSB - August 2021
06/08/2021 ESMA Report to the European Commission : Use of FinTech by CSDs. ESMA - August 2021