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date source titre
11/12/2023 ESMA ESAs recommend steps to improve activities of innovation facilitators across the European Economic Area
11/12/2023 Banque de France Enquête mensuelle de conjoncture à début décembre
11/12/2023 BCE La BCE publie une étude sur l’empreinte environnementale des billets en euros
07/12/2023 Légifrance Publication de l'ordonnance relative aux gestionnaires de crédits et aux acheteurs de crédits
07/12/2023 Légifrance Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2023-1142 du 6 décembre 2023 relative à la publication et à la certification d'informations en matière de durabilité et aux obligations environnementales, sociales ...
05/12/2023 Banque de France Le Comité national des moyens de paiement salue les engagements des acteurs français à contribuer au renforcement du marché européen des paiements
04/12/2023 ESMA ESAs put forward amendments to sustainability disclosures for the financial sector
04/12/2023 AMF L'absence de réponse à un questionnaire de connaissance client : des conséquences distinctes selon qu'il vise l'évaluation du client ou la lutte anti-blanchiment
04/12/2023 ECB Occasional Paper Series - NGFS climate scenarios for the euro area: role of fiscal and monetary policy conduct Opening up the macroeconomic toolbox and its sensitivity to policy settings
04/12/2023 ECB Working Paper Series Financial contagion within the interbank network
04/12/2023 BCE Working Paper Series “Glossy green” banks: the disconnect between environmental disclosures and lending activities
01/12/2023 AMF L'AMF publie une étude sur la relation flux-performance des fonds obligataires français
01/12/2023 BCE An examination of net-zero commitments by the world’s largest banks
01/12/2023 BCE The impact of the euro area economy and banks on biodiversity
01/12/2023 BCE Risk, monetary policy and asset prices in a global world
01/12/2023 BCE Do debt investors care about ESG ratings?
01/12/2023 BCE Who bears the costs of inflation? Euro area households and the 2021–2022 shock
01/12/2023 BCE US monetary policy spillovers to European banks
01/12/2023 BCE What drives core inflation? The role of supply shocks
01/12/2023 BCE Fund fragility: the role of investor base
01/12/2023 BCE Loss sharing in central clearinghouses: winners and losers
01/12/2023 BCE Do banks practice what they preach? Brown lending and environmental disclosure in the euro area
01/12/2023 BCE The impact of the euro area economy and banks on biodiversity
30/11/2023 EIOPA The ESAs provide clarity and tips to consumers on sustainable finance
29/11/2023 BCE Too leveraged to reduce emissions?
28/11/2023 BCE Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises: continued tightening in reported financing conditions
27/11/2023 AMF Le numérique et l’évolution rapide des technologies au cœur de la rencontre semestrielle des autorités administratives et publiques indépendantes intervenant dans le domaine économique
27/11/2023 Commission Européenne The Commission launched a 4-week have your say feedback on two delegated regulations under DORA
27/11/2023 EIOPA EIOPA analyses cross-border IORPs trends in 2023 report
27/11/2023 BCE Financial Stability Review